"Forget the word talent acquisition, forget employer branding, and forget employee engagement. We need to talk about experiences. "
Zvi Goldfarb
Head of Talent Acquisition Digital Lab, L'Oreal

CW HR Services

HR Consultancy
Our HR Consulting focuses on providing guidance and help to create state of the art HR systems. We will help you develop HR models, HR Manuals, and Advise on policies and procedures. Our consultants have worked with national and international clients to establish HR systems and departments.
Job Descriptions

A job description not only describes the position’s responsibilities, it sets the foundation for recruiting, developing, and retaining talent. Our consultants will help you design most accurate JDs to set the stage for optimum work performance.  

Talent Hunt / Recruitment Process Outsourcing

Are you struggling to find good talent? Let us worry about finding good employees for you. We will help you find excellent candidates, provide assessment services, and do initial screening. You can Focus on Your Core Business and Expertise while we find you best talent pool. 

KPI Development

Good KPIs provide objective and clear information of progress towards the end goal by tracking and measuring efficiency, quality, timeliness, and performance. Let us help you develop business level and departmental specific KPIs for your business to excel. 

Training & Development

We provide online (Zoom), pre-recorded (https://learning.merafutue.pk) and on-site training to new hires, employees, and senior management. We provide both soft and hard skills trainings. 

Employee Leasing

Do you want to hire employees without worrying about onboarding, payroll management and benefits? We provide employee leasing / renting services where we supply workers on a project-specific or temporary basis. The employees will work for your business but we will take care of their payroll, and handle all of the HR administration associated with them. 

optimize businesses, create wonders

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